They even almost have released their new versions at the same time a couple of weeks ago, when Microsoft unveiled its IE7 while Mozilla released its Firefox 2, with each bundled with new security aware anti-phising feature, ease of use with their tabbed browsing, RSS Reading, etc.
Internet users were so excited about the development and they wanted to try them right away, which will win the competition. Reports showed that Firefox whipped IE (as always) based on the number of downloads after one week of the release. One comparison about the two browers performance was posted here.
Now..what do you think will happen if the two great browsers merge their technologies? Or shall I say, if Microsoft will acquire the Firefox? Introducing....MS Firefox 2007! :)
Well, actually they already did. Check this out! LOLs
Three interesting features are:
- msfirefox mail beta :-)
- TakeOver Technology ;-)
- AKobe Phlash ;-)