Friday, July 18, 2008

Canadian Pharmacy scam has resurfaced, and shifted its spam strategy. The Canadian Pharmacy had been very active in the past. Its new strategy, though not new in spam world, is to compose emails with long message body, then inserts a hyperlink somewhere in any part of the email content. I've observed some spam emails from this botnet-operated pharmacy that slips from the spam filtering software, but it wont take that lonf for sure.

Figure 1 is an example of the spam mail. The message may look legit, but when you read it's content, its nothing but random words or phrases.The link to the canadian pharmacy wbsite is inserted as a small hyperlink, and when you view the included image, Figure 2 will be revealed. Familiar?
Figure 1. Canadian Pharmacy Spam mail

Figure 2. Loaded image

If you're still in doubt, try to click the image area which will redirect you to the actual canadian pharmacy website (See Figure 3)

Figure 3. Canadian Pharmacy website

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