Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ubuntu 7.04 (Fiesty Fawn) released!

Yes, today is the scheduled released of the much awaited Fiesty Fawn!

More info below:

Now, its time to update my Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Fiesty Fawn!!
Note: Ubuntu requires an incremental upgrade. If you're using Ubuntu 5.10, upgrade to 6.10 first before you can go to 7.04.

But its as easy as running the System->Administration->Package Manager. It should prompt you to install any available updates including upgrades.

If not, you can manually click the Check update button to check and get the updates! If you click the Install Updates button, it first will install some application updates. Clicking the Upgrade button will start the upgrade process. Then the release note is displayed. Click Upgrade button and you're on your way to upgrade your Edgy to Fiesty.

You'll be asked for the password since its a system-wide change.

Then it will prepare the distribution upgrade before prompting to proceed the real upgrade.

Depends on your internet speed, the upgrade could take hours or even days to complete. After the upgrade you can check if it indeed has been upgraded. Some of ways to check your Ubuntu version are like:

cat /etc/issue


lsb_release -a


cat /etc/lsb_release

That's how you upgrade using the GUI. Smooth. :)

If you're a CLI guru, then you can upgade using apt-get command (not advisable). If you want some pain in the ass, try it the hard way, check how here or there .

So whats up with this upgrade foo??!

Shuttleworth said “the main themes for development in this release will be improvements to hardware support in the laptop, desktop and high-end server market, and an aggressive adoption of emerging desktop technologies.”Ubuntu’s Feisty release will put the spotlight on multimedia enablement and desktop effects. We expect this to be a very gratifying release for both users and developers”.

“Edgy has been a wild ride, with some remarkable achievements (nothing like re-inventing and substantially improving on init!). Feisty will be a little more focused on features that are very visible to end-users,”

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